SITUATION IN UKRAINE: January 11 – 17, 2024.

This week, the World Economic Forum opened in Davos (Switzerland). From Ukraine, the event was attended by President Vladimir Zelensky and the head of the Office of the President Andriy Ermak; they took part in the World Economic Forum and held several bilateral meetings. The main goal of Ukrainian leaders was to maintain the attention of the world community to Ukraine (against the backdrop of the spread of other global conflicts). That is why, during his rather harsh speech, V.


Introduction. Main trends

  1. Geopolitics The situation around Ukraine.

1. "The United States is retreating into itself": the confrontation between the Democratic and Republican parties in Congress. Changing the political balance in the United States after the parliamentary election.

SITUATION IN UKRAINE: December 6 – 13, 2023.

Aid to Ukraine remains a subject of pre-election confrontation between Republicans and Democrats in the US Congress. Complex behind-the-scenes negotiations are underway to allocate new Ukrainian funding, as evidenced by the visit of Ukrainian President V. Zelensky this week, first to Argentina and then to the United States. Thus, on December 12, negotiations took place in Washington between Ukraine's President Vladimir Zelensky and US President Joe Biden. V.

Key principles of the new geopolitics: rules or order, goals and interests of medium and small states

- most peoples and countries in the world have common goals or ends - security, a high standard of living, justice - although there are different tools or means to achieve them. At the same time, with the development of civilization and the expansion of social demand from society, The Set of these goals continues to grow and expand also;

Заборона виборів в Україні – ознака початку авторитаризму, - Руслан Бортнік

Рішення представників парламентських фракцій політичних партій про проведення виборів не раніше, як через півроку після завершення війни, викликало чималий резонанс у соцмережах. Експерти заявлять про ризики та можливі втрати України через це рішення.

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