Wie Unternehmen aus der EU auf die Krim gelangen

Ungeachtet der Sanktionen, die vom Westen gegen die Russische Föderation wegen der Annexion der Krim verhängt wurden, setzen nicht wenige europäische Firmen ihre Arbeit auf der Halbinsel fort. Außerdem gehen neue Unternehmen dorthin. Zum Teil steht das damit in Verbindung, dass das „Krim-Sanktionspaket“ von der Sache her nominell ist und ebenfalls aufgrund der sich verstärkenden Finanzkrise. Russland knausert bei Investitionen auf der Halbinsel nicht.

UIP signed Cooperation Agreement with the Cherkasy National University

The Ukrainian Institute of Politics and the Bohdan Khmelnytsky Cherkasy National University signed a Cooperation Agreement with the aim of developing partnerships in the field of improving scientific programs and organizing the educational process.

In order to create and implement strategic projects and educational programs in the field of higher education, the parties planned to exchange information, organize general meetings and events.

The Emerging Nakhchivan Corridor

As the details of the Karabakh deal are being fleshed out, the stipulation on the new corridor through Armenian territory has caused great debate. Beyond the signatories of the deal, Iran and Georgia are particularly worried as any meaningful change to the connectivity patterns in the South Caucasus could harm their transit capabilities.

Ukraine-Russia lawsuit. Chronology of the case on "Yanukovych's debts" and further prospects

On December 17, 2013, in Moscow, President Yanukovych signed an agreement on a $ 15 billion loan from Russia. The $ 3 billion loan was to be the first tranche of the loan. According to the agreement, the provision of funds was not direct. Ukraine has issued Eurobonds under a Russian loan. The parties have previously agreed that all disputes will be resolved under British law.

Digitalization of public governance and improvement of legal norms of appeals of service activity of public authorities in Ukraine

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15421/152072

Keywords: public authorities, service activity, appeal mechanisms, digitalization of public administration, normative-legal regulation

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