Official statement NGO "Ukrainian Institute of Politics»

Dear media, civil servants, colleagues, experts, information community!

On the eve of the election, the information campaign intensified, the shameful tools of which are attempts to carry out black discrediting campaigns against politicians, media representatives, think tanks and public experts.

Against this backdrop, attempts by individuals and the media to link the work of the NGO " Ukrainian Institute of Politics " with V. Medvedchuk or other politicians and oligarchs, in order to destroy the trust in the Institute, damage the reputation.

Such allegations or publications are completely false, unsubstantiated, unregulated, committed in violation of journalistic ethics and democratic standards of work with information, causing indignation in the UIP team.

We rightly consider such actions as elements of dirty competition and recognition of our successful work in a difficult environment from over 100 Ukrainian and international think tanks.

But at the same time, for the virtuous media, experts and politicians, we emphasize the following:

1. UIP has never worked in any way and does not work with V. Medvedchuk, his structures and representatives;

2. UIP is the exclusive property of its founders and experts, we do not have any "cartridges", "patrons" and so on. We are not a "court" analytical center, but really dependent solely on their knowledge and awareness;

3. The Center works with an extremely wide range of politicians, media, officials, public figures and experts, which provides us with the absence of any dominant influence by anyone;

4. For us, the current accusations of "working for someone" are not the question of Medvedchuk, Poroshenko, Avakova, “Oppoblok”, “For Life”, and so on - and the challenge of independence and objectivity, which we have been protecting UIAP for 6 years already;

5. Any attempts to conduct a dirty company against us will not remain unnoticed and will be prosecuted in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. We remind you that the limitation period is 3 years.

Always open to constructive dialogue and at the request of journalists are ready to provide any additional information about our work.


On behalf of the General Meeting,

Director of UIP

Ruslan Bortnik

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