SITUATION IN UKRAINE: March 6 – 13, 2024.
On March 7, President of Ukraine V. Zelensky announced that he had agreed on the candidacy of the Ukrainian Ambassador to the UK; he will be the ex-commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine V. Zaluzhny. Later, the request for an agrément for V. Zaluzhny was confirmed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs D. Kuleba. Also, The Washington Post published a complimentary article about this decision with the main message that “the United States is not against it.”
Join us for a transformative one-day event, aimed at redefining the landscape of Government Relations and Advocacy!
Date: 14th March 2024
Location: Bay Atlantic University, Washington, DC
Event Focus:
The 8 INTERNATIONAL GR-FORUM 2024 is a gathering of the brightest minds in the field of Government Relations, Lobbying, and Advocacy. Our mission is threefold:
An open letter to readers and grant donors regarding the persecution of freedom of speech and democracy in Ukraine by NGO "Detector Media"
Dear sir. or madam, dear friends, readers and viewers!
Today I want to talk to you about mediabullying and the destruction of democracy, which was organized with the money of American and European taxpayers by an organization called " Detector Media" through its website and the websites of structures affiliated with it.
SITUATION IN UKRAINE: February 21 – 28, 2024.
Following two years of full-scale war with the Russian Federation within the framework of the forum "Ukraine. The year 2024" President of Ukraine V. Zelensky held a large press conference. Taking place against the backdrop of hostilities, a large-scale press conference in Kyiv, despite the possible threat of Russian attacks, demonstrated to the world community the security of the capital and the lack of fear among the country's leadership.
Derrubada de avião militar pode levar guerra Rússia-Ucrânia a nova escalada
A derrubada do avião militar russo com prisioneiros de guerra ucranianos na última quarta-feira (24) indica uma nova fase da guerra entre Rússia e Ucrânia. De acordo com as autoridades russas, a tragédia deixou 74 pessoas mortas, entre elas 65 soldados ucranianos capturados, seis tripulantes e três acompanhantes. O incidente põe em xeque as expectativas de congelamento da guerra e indicam uma nova fase do conflito entre Rússia e Ucrânia.
Zelenskyy’s Nearing End Game
In recent days, the global media has been buzzing with the escalating feud between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Valery Zaluzhny, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army, and it appears that we have not reached the conclusion yet. According to the latest reports, Zelenskyy presented Zaluzhny with an offer on Monday: to resign as the commander-in-chief in exchange for continuing his career as a defence adviser.
Háború Ukrajnában és Izraelben – Zelenszkij megint pénzt akar
A háború mellett világpolitikai eseményekről is szó volt Nógrádi György, biztonságpolitikai szakértővel, Kiss Rajmund, az MCC Diplomáciai Műhely vezetőjével, és Dunda Györggyel, a HírTV kárpátaljai tudósítójával.
A Fehér Ház Trump árnyékában próbálja meggyőzni Európát, hogy számíthat a NATO-ra. Kijev hiába lobbizik, Európa nem tudja, az USA pedig nem akarja teljesíteni vállalásait.
Zelenszkij tehetetlen, küszöbön a kijevi lázadás
Ukrajna parlamenti válságba került, amely Volodimir Zelenszkij elnök hatáskörének csökkenéséhez vezethet – jelentette ki Ruslan Bortnik politológus, az Ukrajnai Politikai Intézet igazgatója, írta a
A Maryana Bezugla kizárásával kialakult helyzet az Ukrán Legfelsőbb Tanácsban megmutatta, hogy a parlamentben mélyén érlelődik a lázadás, és kezd kialakulni egy többség Zaluzsnij mellett – mondta a szakértő.
New «father of the nation»? Zaluzhny's political prospects
Conversations about Zaluzhny seeing himself in the country's political life after his resignation began long ago. Since the summer of 2022, some media outlets and Telegram channels have been writing about the conflict between the general and the national political leadership.