SITUATION IN UKRAINE: September 28 – October 4, 2023.
The Ukrainian Armed Forces have increased pressure on the Southern Front and are striving to reach the vicinity of Tokmak in the coming weeks to open up prospects for an offensive on the coast of the Azov Sea. An auxiliary attack across the river is also possible. Dnieper in the Kherson region and intensifying the offensive in the area of Bakhmut.
It is necessary to fight disinformation and media bullying in Ukraine, - a round table participant decided
On September 20, 2023, a round table was held in the conference hall of the National Hotel (Kyiv, Ukraine) on the topic: “Countering disinformation and media bullying as a tool for protecting human rights: external and internal threat factors during the time of Russian aggression against Ukraine.” The discussion took place on the initiative of the Assembly of Nationalities of Ukraine.
SITUATION IN UKRAINE: 12 – 1 September 4, 2023
Preparations are underway for the meeting of the United States and Ukraine Presidents - Joe Biden and Vladimir Zelensky, which is scheduled for September 21 on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. The administration of US President D. Biden can use V. Zelensky’s visit to put pressure on Congress regarding the decision to allocate $24 billion in additional assistance to Ukraine (the White House did the same in December 2022).
Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities for Ukraine
The Ukrainian Institute of Politics, together with the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and other partners, held a conference on September 14, 2023, titled "Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities for Ukraine."
Security as a new ideology of the 21st century: the phenomenon of “securitocracy”
The past century has become an arena for the struggle of three fundamental ideologies. These are, in a broad sense, liberalism, communism, and fascism - the three main political theories of the time. In 1991, with the collapse of the USSR, for some time it seemed to humanity that liberalism had won a complete victory. Fascism was defeated in 1945 following the Second World War, and the main communist regime in the world - the Soviet - collapsed under the weight of internal contradictions and economic problems.
Zelensky, scandalo-hot in Urcaina: il video-choc del ministro Reznikov
Volodymyr Zelensky alle prese con nuovi cambiamenti. Il presidente ucraino sostituisce il ministro della Difesa Oleksij Reznikov con Rustem Umerov. Alla base le tangenti interne all'ufficio del primo e l'arresto del suo mentore oligarca. Così ecco che Zelensky fa spazio al miliardario tartaro nonché simbolo della lotta per riconquistare la Crimea. Eppure per Umerov, a nomina formale arrivata, sono giunti anche i primi problemi. Sui social è riapparso un vecchio video a luci rosse "di otto anni" fa in cui il protagonista.
Il repulisti di Zelensky in Ucraina, caccia tutti i reclutatori dal “congedo facile”: è la ‘Mani pulite’ di Kiev
Guerra marítima: Rússia e Ucrânia levam conflito ao Mar Negro
A guerra da Ucrânia chegou ao Mar Negro. Após o fim do acordo de grãos, que permitia o desbloqueio de portos ucranianos para a exportação do produto, a Rússia começou a realizar ataques a cidades portuárias da Ucrânia.
Peace plans for Ukraine: initiators, essence, comparisons, and perspectives (11 plans for peace and/or war)
With a high probability that after the completion of the main phase of the current Ukrainian counter-offensive in Ukraine (November-December 2023) and in the world, a high diplomatic and negotiating season will begin regarding the future of war and peace.