SITUATION IN UKRAINE: November 27 – December 4, 2024.

As preparations for the resumption of peace talks initiated by the elected US president begin, Ukraine is entering a new phase of political and social transformation. This process is driven by the increasingly complex situation at the front, declining support for the Ukrainian government from Western allies seeking to coordinate their actions with the new US administration, and Ukrainian society tired of the protracted conflict.

‘U slučaju prekida američke pomoći, mi gubimo rat u roku od 6 do 12 mjeseci. Zelenski? Na Zapadu postoji jedan mit...‘

Sredinom idućeg tjedna bit će točno tisuću dana otkako je Rusija napala Ukrajinu, 24. veljače 2022. Ukrajina nije pala, ali rat još bjesni, međutim, jasno je da će u nekom trenutku započeti pregovori jer Rusi nisu sposobni slomiti branu, a Ukrajinci nemaju snage otjerati okupatore. Kakva je situacija u Ukrajini, za Magazin je temeljito opisao jedan od tamošnjih vodećih politologa, Ruslan Bortnik, direktor Ukrajinskog instituta za politiku.

Kako biste opisali situaciju u Ukrajini? Jesu li ljudi stvarno umorni od rata, kako pišu mediji?

1000 Days of War in Ukraine

1. After 1000 days of war, neither side—neither the Russian Federation nor Ukraine and its coalition of allies—has achieved its key objectives in this conflict. Russia has failed to overthrow the Ukrainian government, establish a loyal political regime in Ukraine, annex the so-called "Novorossiya" in its historical boundaries, or dismantle the U.S.-led unipolar world. The U.S. and its partners have not sufficiently weakened Russia or achieved its destabilization and restructuring.


The Ukrainian-Chinese relationship was first established more than a hundred years ago and has undergone significant evolution from socio-political interaction to stable trade and economic cooperation in the modern world. It has seen rises and falls, declines and revivals, but it has never disappeared entirely.

Украински политолог: Байдън ще покани Украйна в НАТО, ако Харис загуби изборите

Евентуални "кризисни избори" в Украйна ще бъдат екстремен начин за избягване на бедствие, нещо като изпускане на парата. Но ако не се проведат догодина, тогава властта ще се смени без избори, коментира политологът


Настоящият президент на САЩ Джо Байдън ще покани Украйна в НАТО, ако кандидатът на демократите Камала Харис загуби предстоящите президентски избори.

SITUATION IN UKRAINE: 2 3 – 30 October 2024

Against the backdrop of the difficult situation at the front and the crisis mood in the country, the Office of the President continues to try to convince the allies to approve the main points of the "Victory Plan". President V. Zelensky held a meeting with the prime ministers of the Scandinavian countries in Iceland, and the head of the Office of President A. Yermak in the United States met with US President J. Biden's National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

SITUATION IN UKRAINE: 10 – 16 October 2024.

Ukrainian President V. Zelensky presented the "Victory Plan" in the Verkhovna Rada. In general terms, the plan envisages strengthening Ukraine with its allies to such an extent that the Russian Federation would agree to negotiations on Ukrainian terms. According to V. Zelensky, the "Victory Plan" is a bridge for implementing the "Peace Formula" (which essentially implies the capitulation of the Russian Federation) and will not allow Ukraine to be forced into an unfair peace with the Russian Federation.

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