Digitalization of public governance and improvement of legal norms of appeals of service activity of public authorities in Ukraine


Keywords: public authorities, service activity, appeal mechanisms, digitalization of public administration, normative-legal regulation


The purpose of the article. Describe the stages of development of regulatory and legal regulation of appeals against service activities of public authorities. Investigate theoretical scientific research in this area. Carry out the classification of normative legal acts and propose prospects for improving the current legislation in this area. Justify the need for progress in the provision of management services and determine the date of digitization of public administration.Scientific novelty. A comprehensive theoretical study of the need to change to service-oriented public policy in the field of management services. Needs to improve existing and develop new regulations to improve the mechanisms for appealing service activities, changes in bureaucratic approaches to the provision of service activities by public authorities. A scientific substantiation of the term "digitalization of public administration", the need to change the internal policy of the state in relation to the provision of management services as an effective dialogue in building civil society, as well as improving the quality of regulatory mechanisms for appealing service activities of public authorities.Conclusions. A study of the national development of legal regulation of appealing the results of service activities of public authorities found that it needs to update the retrograde approaches and strengthen control over the quality of development and implementation. An abrupt change is needed, as non-compliance with Ukraine’s binding international norms and effective European practices lacks time for evolution, leading to economic degradation and exacerbating the social crisis.


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