On the ideological synchronization of Russia and China.

"The future world order is being formed before our eyes. And in this world order we must listen to everyone, take into account every point of view, every people, society, culture, every system of worldviews, ideas and religious ideas, without imposing a single truth on anyone, and only on this basis, understanding their responsibility for the destiny - the destiny of the peoples, the planet, to build a symphony of human civilization. - Who do you think said that?

Most experts would say that Chinese President Xi Jinping said this.

But no. This was said by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his speech at the final session of the meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club.

After all, the concept of "Community of the common destiny of mankind" - proposed by the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping in November 2012 at the 18th National Congress of the CPC, later presented at the UN, is one of the ideological strands of modern People’s Republic of China. This "Dajibao" (Big-character posters) can be seen in many public places in China. The roots of the Chinese approach lie in Confucianism, although here one can find connections with other world religions.

And what V. Putin said, actually putting forward his idea of ​​illiberal globalization, surprisingly echoes the Chinese approach.

There are other noteworthy coincidences also, which, in order not to overload the text, we will not analyze here.

In general, if we analyze V. Putin's interview, it consists of two parts.

The first part is a justification/explanation for why Russia invaded Ukraine: it is a war of preemption; Western accusations of neo-colonialism; ignoring the interests of the Russian Federation, creating a military security crisis, having hostile plans to destroy Russia, and so on. This is all the traditional rhetoric that we have been hearing lately from V. Putin and from Russian leaders, there was nothing new here.

But what allowed the press-secretary of the President of the Russian Federation D. Peskov and other Russian commentators to announce this speech by V. Putin as a conceptual one? This speech can be considered conceptual only from the point of view that V. Putin for the first time not only criticizes, but also proposes the Russian model of globalization.

V. Putin says that liberal political globalization according to Western patterns, led primarily to the unification and subordination of other countries to the US and its allies using technological, economic, political and military tools. Such globalization is evil for the Russian Federation and other non-Western countries. Because it turned the rest of the world into a raw material base for the "golden billion" (to claim a place in which the Russian Federation will no longer be).

And this liberal globalization must be changed and transformed into a fairer international "integration", which provides for respect and equal treatment of different models of political governance, traditions, cultures and so on. Interference in the internal affairs of other states is wrong.

This convergence should ultimately lead to the creation of "large spaces" (the term of the German philosopher Carl Schmitt) of associations of states, which should become the basis of a new multipolar world order.

At the same time, the United Nations (UN) can be preserved and expanded through the participation of countries in Asia, Africa and others, while Europe and the United States must come to terms with their new status as no longer global leaders.

Russia's forced turn away from the "golden billion" surprisingly resonates with the Chinese vision and Chinese political ideas, and, according to Moscow's plan, it should probably please the elites and conservative societies of the "second" and "third" world - primarily in Asia, the Middle East , Latin America and Africa.

Are these ideas are synchronized between the Russian Federation and the PRC? Whether they are a common platform, or is it just unanimity, or in the Russian Federation they are trying to "like" China, only time will tell.


Ruslan Bortnik, Director of UIP