Analytical Research “What to do with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea: 7 models for the future of Ukraine and the world”

In the attachment you will find our study on the topic “What to do with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea: 7 models for the future of Ukraine and the world (legal decisions, international arbitration, separation of powers, socio-economic restoration, human rights)”, which, Ukrainian Institute of Politics, intermittently, led for more than 6 years.

"Credit unions for military personnel are an urgent need of the Army!"

In connection with the adoption of the new version of the Law of Ukraine "On Credit Unions" and the World Day of Credit Cooperation, a round table meeting was held on October 19, 2023 in the building of the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and on its platform: "Credit unions for military personnel - urgent the need of the Army!"

It is necessary to fight disinformation and media bullying in Ukraine, - a round table participant decided

On September 20, 2023, a round table was held in the conference hall of the National Hotel (Kyiv, Ukraine) on the topic: “Countering disinformation and media bullying as a tool for protecting human rights: external and internal threat factors during the time of Russian aggression against Ukraine.” The discussion took place on the initiative of the Assembly of Nationalities of Ukraine.

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