Vadym Syrota

Vadym Syrota, PhD in Economics. Banking expert who has more than 10 years of job experience at the Ukraine’s central bank and financial regulator (NBU, the National Bank of Ukraine). Regular contributor to the professional blogs of the foreign think tanks and research networks (the Monetary Policy Institute Blog), expert opinions published in foreign (Les Echos, a well-known French business newspaper) and Ukraine’s media outlets. He also focused on giving expert commentaries and interviews to the prominent YouTube bloggers (UkrlifeTV, the YouTube channel of popular TV presenter Natasha Vlashchenko).
Подробнее об эксперте | More about the expert
Specialization: the research of the activities of the National Bank of Ukraine and other world's leading central banks/financial regulators, analysis of the functioning mechanisms, as well as the results of the transformation of the financial and banking system of Ukraine, countering of money laundering and of the serving of illicit financial flows by financial and banking institutions, studying and development of the alternatives to the neoliberal economic paradigm with focus on the role of the state in economics, industrial policy implementation, the Keynesian economic beliefs and ideas.
Fluent in Ukrainian, English and Russian.
Education: University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine: bachelor degree (2008) and master's degree (2009) in «Banking»;
PhD in economics, the research in the area of the anti-crisis management of Ukraine’s banks.
Public profiles of the expert:
British think tank Chatham House, catalogue of experts Russia-Eurasia project:;
Kennan Institute, the department of the think tank named after Woodrow Wilson (USA):;
The newspaper «Dzerkalo Tyzhnia»:
LinkedIn profile: