UIP presented the study "SEVEN SCENARIOS: from triumph to decline" to the diplomatic corps in Ukraine

On October 4, at the Hungarian Embassy in Ukraine, with the support of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to Ukraine, Istvan Iydjarto, the presentation of the analytical study "SEVEN SCENARIOS FOR UKRAINE: from triumph to decline" was held, which was prepared by experts from the Ukrainian Institute of Politics (UIP). Analytical work was presented by: Director of the UIP Ruslan Bortnik and experts of the UIP - Denis Gaevsky, Oksana Krasovskaya, Andrey Timchenko.

The presentation was attended by over 30 representatives of foreign embassies and international organizations in Ukraine. The study, which was conducted for more than six months, considered 7 key scenarios for Ukraine, their markers, conditions for implementation and implications for politics, economics and society.

In his speech, the director of the DIP Ruslan Bortnyk emphasized that during the 6-month study, the team of authors proceeded from the inviolability of the principles of the territorial integrity of internationally recognized borders and the rule of law of Ukraine, however, among other things, they were forced to analyze scenarios of their illegal violation. At the same time, the Scenarios are not an attempt to predict the future, but, first of all, it is a systematic analysis of the interactions of a set of factors influencing the development of the state and society and their modeling. "Scripting" gives impetus to important policy changes that help bring a good future closer and avoid negative developments.For his part, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to Ukraine Istvan Iydjarto highly appreciated the analytical study "SEVEN SCENARIOS FOR UKRAINE: from triumph to decline" of Ukraine by the Ukrainian Institute of Politics, noting that this work creates a huge field for discussion and dialogue.

The study aroused great interest among diplomats and an interesting informal dialogue and discussion took place with representatives of the diplomatic corps of Ukraine. A lot of questions were raised about the real situation in Ukraine and Russia, the true goals in the war, the development of the crisis, as well as the future world order. An interesting dialogue took place regarding the publication of Elon Musk on Twitter, where he offered his vision of peace between Ukraine and Russia. Diplomats are also concerned about the issue of a possible nuclear strike on Ukraine, the behavior of the Russian elites in the process of a successful counteroffensive by Ukrainian troops. And also, how the role of China and the United States in the world, relations within the Western community will change, depending on one or another scenario for the development of events in Ukraine.

Along with this, the diplomats expressed concern about the lack of objective information about the political and military processes in the countries participating in the Ukrainian-Russian war.

The Ukrainian Institute of Politics supports all efforts aimed at preserving the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and ending the war. We are also open to dialogue and discussion of the future of Ukraine.

Full visualized version in Ukrainian, Russian and English at the link or in the application: https://uiamp.org/index.php/sem-scenariev-dlya-ukrainy-ot-triumfa-do-upadka