Pechenkin Igor

Head of NGO “Human Rights Organization “Common Purpose”
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Advocate, National Bar Association of Ukraine
Head of NGO “Human Rights Organization “Common Purpose”
Postgraduate student of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Co-founder and special correspondent of the All-Ukrainian socio-legal newspaper "Jurist's Advice", accredited in the Supreme Council of Ukraine
Lawyer with 23 years of practical experience, public figure in the field of ensuring dialogue between the authorities and civil society, public administrator.
- KNU named after Taras Shevchenko - 1997;
- NAGU under the President of Ukraine - 2006,
- PhD student for Ph.D.
Areas of research and implementation:
- Legal judicial protection and advice on the provision of legal assistance;
- Activities and reform of the criminal justice and law enforcement agencies;
- Resuscitation of the activities of public initiatives and the establishment of their interaction with the authorities;
- Anti-corruption activities of special subjects and public activists, ways of realizing the possibilities of everyone.
- Digitalization of public administration, simplification of the use of the mechanisms of services of the authorities, public control over the formation and implementation of decisions by the authorities.
The research results are published in scientific and scientific-practical accredited publications (about 54), in blogs of public publications, abstracts of speeches at conferences, methodological recommendations, normatively approved and officially published publications.
The scope of searches and public initiatives: digitalization of public administration, combating corruption, national security, development of civil society, organization and activities of public organizations.
Experience in administration and solving legal problems during election campaigns, drafting bills and other legal acts, consulting and consulting, preparation of legal and expert opinions, defense in court, consulting and legal support in concluding transactions.