Nikonchuk Andriy

Executive Director of the UIP in the field of infrastructure development
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Nikonchuk Andriy Mihailovich, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Institute for Analysis and Management of Policy in infrastructure developing
Areas of specialization:
state building and local self-government
creation of infrastructure facilities and their maintenance
management of housing and communal services
building and development of political parties
training of members of election commissions, interviewers of opinion polls
strategic and tactical management of election campaigns
As an expert he acts on TV channels: "Ukraine", "ICTV", "ZIK", "OBOZTV", "MARIUPOLSKOE.TV" and others.
As an expert he acts on radio channels: "Voice of the Capital", "Voice of the Kyiv", "Vesti", "Ukrainian Radio"; information agencies "GolosYuA", and others.
Fluent in Ukrainian, Russian, and English.
Contacts: telephone +38 (050) 445 84 66, e-mail: sends e-mail).
Additional Information:
PhD in Law, with the thesis on : "The Administrative and Law Regulation of the Delegation of Powers to the Organs of Local Self-government", 17 scientific publications
Rate the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the field "Normative techniques" 2013
Was born on August 23, 1981
1. 2003 The National Academy of State Tax Service of Ukraine – Bachelor of Law;
2. 2004 The National Academy of State Tax Service of Ukraine – Master of Law;
3. 2013 The Academy of Municipal Administration – Master of state service;
4. 2015 Training International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), trainer of members of election commissions.