PACKAGE “Formation a positive social and political image of Leader – “Mastering” the role of the leading speaker on a certain topic”
Formation a positive social and political image of Leader – “Mastering” the role of the leading speaker on a certain topic”
1. Holding SWOT – analysis the image of public figure: the definition of “public face” , strengths and weaknesses (analysis the image in mass media, administrative and political positions);
2. Social communication strategy and tactics development (definition of real (measured) purposes, tools development );
3. Capture the leadership in the certain topic/ topics (reach the top of search engines’ , “speakers lists” in mass media, participation in specialized associations, public structures and commissions, formation ” social core “of leader).
We do
1. Weekly – 1-2 professional publications and their initial placement in mass media (3-5 websites, parliamentary media, party media; languages - Ukrainian, Russian, English);
2. Monthly – 1 draft legislative act aimed to capture certain topic or to improve the overall image of a public figure (supporting in parliament and mass media, experience – 14 years, more than 300 bills were elaborated, 30-40 of them were adopted);
Per 1 year – 70-100 publications; 10-15 draft laws;
4. Consultations on such topics -political image, oratory , work with mass media.
RESULT (1-3 years):
Enter the allukrainian level, sweep certain topic/topics, formation the image of public opinion Leader and Speaker on topic/topics, accumulation of real legislative initiatives and social reform steps .
Cost: price negotiable.
The contact person: Ruslan Olegovich Bortnik, +38 093 757 75 65